Sunday, May 11, 2008

Web Standards

The "World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), along with other groups and standards bodies, has established technologies for creating and interpreting web-based content. These technologies or "web standards" are designed to deliver the greatest benefits to the greatest number of web users.
Designing and building with these standards simplifies and lowers the cost of production, while delivering sites that are accessible to more people and Internet devices. As new Internet devices evolve in today’s market more and more sites will continue to be challenged and grow.
When building, designing and developing websites, they must comply with a set of standardised practises for doing so. This inevitably may affect the way many want or plan to develop a Website as many web standards can directly or indirectly affect its development or administration.
When a Website or Webpage complies with Web Standards, it means that the site or page consists of nearly valid HTML, CSS and Javascript. HTML itself must also meet certain specifications.

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